Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Believe in ABUNDANCE!!

I was having a conversation with a young lady recently. She's a few years my junior but as far as experience goes she, contrary to her age she has alot of growing up to do. I was compelled to enlighten her but hesistated, because we all know volunteered information is often discarded just as easily as it is attained. I wished that I could share some of what I've been blessed to learn. She had been unemployed for some time, and in this economy was lucky to find a job. She bragged about her hourly pay rate and it saddned me to learn that she was being drastically underpaid. See, where she comes from her friends and peers deemed her income more than sufficient. Not because it was enough to afford her her lifestyle but because they themselves had never been offered that amount before.

I didn't know where to begin so I simply told her "BELIEVE IN ABUNDANCE"I proceeded to encourage her by simplify things. "Let's say you make $30,000 annually. For your employer to be able to pay you that amount they have to be making well in the 6 figures to cover that when the cost of their living arrangement alone runs them approx. $60,000 to rent. I'm not going to go further into the details but after I broke it down she began to see the picture I was painting. I wanted her to comprehend that although it's not her reality at this point in her life, she has to believe in ABUNDANCE and not compromise her worth.

I myself was in the exact situation. Once I realized how much money a company makes off of my effort I knew they were more than capable to pay me more. I left that position and was unemployed for some time. There were times doubt got the best o me but I believed to my core in ABundance. Surely enough I got the exact amount I was seeking for a more gratifying less stressful position.

Belief in abundance doesn't just apply to financial circumstances. I first learned of the concept through dealing with matters of the heart. My course of actions were
the same. I knew my worth and when he didn't seem to fully realize, I closed the chapter on that relationship. He was a great guy, treated me well...spoiled me monetarily in fact. He was consistent,thoughtful and generous. He just wasn't fully committed emotionally when I was . A year after that relationship ended Is met the man if my dreams and this past September he proposed. None of this happened over night (of course not)but all throughout I believed that what I wanted and deserved was out there... and it was. BELIEVE!!!!!!!!


♥ Nikki ♥ said...

Wow!! First congrats on your engagement sweetie pie!!! Hope the wedding plans are going great (isn't it sooooooo fun!) Secondly, I LOVED this post and I really needed to hear it.

Cas said...


maya said...

it's all about belief!